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Zingara Zingara

Welcome to my first ZZ blog!

So happy to have you here, this website is something very special to me and has been at the back of my mind for the last few years. I've found myself in great full time jobs, ones that allowed me to be flexible and creative with my designs and visions and even wear what I want.... and let's face it - holiday pay. Thats something all freelancers miss.

However...I always found myself day dreaming about having my own boutique studio and filling up every spare moment I have with doing something - somehow related to this. No matter how great my job was - it just wasn't good enough. I didn't find myself truly passionate about the work, so this is why I'm here, to create work that is me and work that I love. This is why I've created Zingara Zingara.

A little about Zingara Zingara.

First of all, Zingara Zingara translates to ‘gypsy gypsy’ in Italian. I remember seeing this word a long time ago and it caught my eye for whatever reason, then after looking up the meaning – I fell in love and it just stayed stuck in my mind. I've actually renewed my business registration for this name twice now before I've even launched it! I just couldn't let it go.

For me a Zingara is a free spirit, a traveller, an explorer and has the ability to see beauty in otherwise humble places. I love the bohemian and strong feminine ideals and wanted to put my own personal spin on them.

I'm a lover of colour, detail, nature, travel, beautiful people and beautiful things. I find myself obsessing over a particular colour or pattern and even completely avoiding sunglasses because I can't see the 'true' colour with them on.

This blog will become a collection of not only my work but things that inspire me, things that I want and ideals I believe in. It will also be a space where I can talk about my processes in more detail and share some downloads.

If you’d like to keep up with what I’ve got planned for Zingara Zingara sign up for my newsletters, hope to see you around.

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